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“My period is late” - 4 Reasons for Late Periods

Oct 07, 2024
4 Reasons for Late Periods

Have you been missing your period but the pregnancy test is negative?

Although your doctor may have told you that it’s ‘normal’ or not to worry unless you’re trying to get pregnant, not getting your period could be a sign that something is ‘off’ in your body.

There are several reasons why you might not be getting your period, and it's essential to listen to what your body is telling you. Here are four of the most common causes:


1. Limited Number of Eggs Remaining

As women approach perimenopause, the number of eggs in the ovaries declines. This process can happen earlier than you might expect, even in your 30s.

Each woman is born with a set number of eggs, which naturally decrease in number over time. Genetic factors, certain medical conditions, medications, and stressful life events can further affect this reserve. When the egg reserve gets very low, it will disrupt regular menstruation, leading you to wonder, “Why is my period late, but the pregnancy test is negative?”

If you're noticing changes in your cycle and you're not close to the typical age for menopause, it's worth investigating whether perimenopause might be a factor.


2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is a common cause of irregular or absent periods. This condition is marked by hormonal imbalances, which can lead to symptoms like acne, coarse hair growth (hirsute), and polycystic ovaries visible on an ultrasound. Despite its prevalence, PCOS often goes undiagnosed or misunderstood, especially since its symptoms can vary from person to person.

Women with PCOS often experience period symptoms but no period, or missed periods but negative pregnancy tests. The irregularity in menstruation with PCOS comes from anovulation — when your ovaries do not release eggs regularly. If you're dealing with any combination of irregular cycles, acne, and/or unexpected hair growth, it's worth talking to your healthcare provider about being evaluated for PCOS.


3. Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA)

FHA is a hormonal condition where stress, both physical and emotional, disrupts the communication between your brain and your reproductive system, leading to missed periods. The most common stressors that contribute to FHA are excessive energy expenditure paired with inadequate caloric intake, which is why it’s common among women who are overexercising or experiencing rapid weight loss.

FHA is often misunderstood and poorly managed. When menstruation stops, many women are prescribed birth control pills, which can mask the underlying issue without addressing the root cause — the imbalance between energy consumption and expenditure. If you're under high levels of stress or not fueling your body properly, FHA might be the reason your period is missing.


4. Structural or Medical Causes

Sometimes, the reason for missing periods is due to structural issues within the body. These can include growths in the pituitary gland, scarring in the uterus, or underdeveloped reproductive organs. Additionally, certain medications — including antipsychotics, chemotherapy, antidepressants, and blood pressure or allergy medications — can also impact your cycle.

If you've been on any of these medications or suspect a structural cause, a thorough medical evaluation is necessary to determine the next steps for treatment.


Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Missing Period

Skipping your period might seem convenient, but it's not without consequences. When women of reproductive age stop cycling, long-term health risks such as bone loss, sexual dysfunction, cognitive decline, mood disorders, premature cardiovascular disease, and mood concerns such as anxiety and depression can arise.

Instead of ignoring the absence of your period or relying on birth control as a band-aid solution, it’s crucial to identify and address the underlying causes. A hormonal workup can help determine the best path to restore your body’s natural balance.

Your period is a sign of your overall health. If it's missing, it's time to investigate why. Don't wait until you're trying to get pregnant to care about your menstrual cycle — start now.

Ready to uncover the reason behind your missing periods? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with us today and start your journey toward better health!

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